website evaluating

colors- its just fine, very simple and calm to the eye since its only black and white

banners- its just fine. Simple yet elegant.

ads- its has ads but its not that irritating to the reader

navigability- its easy to navigate since the layout is very accessible

links-its also accessible, and its fast to download from link to link

site map- well its easy to use,aside from it downloads fast, its also user friendly

content- the content and pictures are relevant to the topic since its about photo editing. And its shows step by steps on how to edit pictures.

Pictures- its not that too many nor too few. Its ok.
the pictures downloads fast, just like a piece of cake.=)

I think, these qualities are fine, for I don't find any problems or irritating things while viewing and evaluating the website. Although its simple and not that so much great. But definitely, its a good website. Especially the font, color, navigability and links.

Monday, November 23, 2009

i ♥ wat i have<br />just lyk u in my lyff

Image by Cool Text: Logo and Button Generator - Create Your Own
at this moment now..
i dont have anything to say..

i just feel cold..

rain pours outside just like a bullet of a machine gun

my foot are freezing..

my hands are shaking

i feel kinda boring.

i think i just wanted to take a sleep..
in a soft q quiet room

whos only person there is me, myself and I.

and dream about good things in my future lyff..

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I learned that...

what I learned today

What I learned today,
is something I wanna say
It's about using html codes
that we have to post

i did just listen carefully
and do the job thoroughly
although there are things that I don't understand
I just simply follow his commands

I was surprised then
that it all work well
although its not that perfect
such as putting an effect (im talking about marquee=))

but for me as a beginner
i think it will be better
to practice much harder
so that someday I can be a web designer=) (hope so..=)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

top 5 things which i hated the most

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